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Feedback on the Value4Pack project workshop at the Saint-Etienne packaging club

Feedback on the "Mapping of food packaging players in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" workshop held on February 6, 2024
The first stage of the project was to identify and analyze food packaging players: in total, 15 regional structures were able to take part in this initial identification phase.
The next workshop on March 14, 2024 is now online!

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HI France label, find out more about our member who will be awarded the hi France label in January 2024

Are you planning to raise funds? Polymeris can help!
Since 2010, France's competitiveness clusters have been helping innovative companies strengthen their equity capital through a national label, the Entreprise Innovante des Pôles (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité, have decided to give a new impetus and strengthen their support for the search for private financing for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France, drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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Meet our members at JEC World 2024

JEC World is the world's No. 1 trade show dedicated to composite materials and their applications. Held in Paris, JEC World is the industry's leading trade show, hosting the main players in the market, who come together to develop their business and their network, as well as to share their innovations.

JEC World is "the place to be" for composite materials, with hundreds of product launches, innovation awards, a start-up competition, conferences, machine demonstrations... not forgetting the Innovation Planets, which present innovative finished products and multiple opportunities for networking.

Many of our members will be present at the show, so don't hesitate to meet them on their stands!

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Launch of the European Value4Pack project

We are pleased to announce the launch of the European Value4pack project, the first project proposal of the European S3 Food Packaging Partnership, which began on November 1, 2023!

Value4Pack aims to strengthen the capacity, competitiveness and resilience of players in the European food packaging value chain. The aim is to create a resilient inter-regional ecosystem between relevant penta-helix players in the regions concerned (manufacturers, research institutes, investors, regional authorities, consumers and NGOs).

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Polymeris strengthens its partnerships in Europe: three new European intercluster projects to stimulate collaboration and innovation.

Polymeris kicks off the new year with the launch of three Europe-wide interclustering projects: Value4Pack, IDEALIST and GreenSmartMed. These projects position Polymeris at the heart of innovation and transnational collaboration for the next three years. They will enable the cluster to develop and strengthen its partnerships in Europe and deploy new services and expertise for the benefit of its members.

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POLREC Innovation Open Call: 25 winning projects, including 9 from France

The results of the first call for projects launched as part of the European POLREC project coordinated by Polymeris are in: 25 SMEs have won, including 9 French ones, for a total budget of €660,000. The aim of this call for projects was to finance new, innovative polymer recycling processes, and it proved a resounding success, with 13 winning projects focusing on mechanical recycling, 8 on chemical recycling and 4 on digitalization.

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Back to: POLYMERIS Scientific Day

On December 12, 2023, Polymeris organized its annual Scientific Day on the theme of Aging and Sustainability. Each year, the Scientific Day deals with a key topic in the cluster's Technology Roadmap drawn up by the Scientific Council.

Just over fifty participants came together to discuss the topic from a number of different angles: the stresses placed on materials over time, materials recycling and, finally, the characterization of materials and aging.

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Supported Projects and Confirmed Financing: a fine end-of-year harvest for POLYMERIS members

As the year draws to a close, Polymeris celebrates a fruitful harvest with the confirmation of funding for several projects supported by the cluster. These funding agreement notifications are seen as welcome Christmas presents for the consortia partners involved. The varied and innovative projects cover a wide range of fields, from sustainable packaging and the recyclability of composites to the development of recycled raw materials and the use of hydrogen in light mobility. This series of initiatives testifies to Polymeris' ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability in the field of polymers.

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