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AFICEP and POLYMERIS at the World Nuclear Exhibition

A look back at the world's largest civil nuclear exhibition!

The 2023 edition of the World Nuclear Exhibition took place at Paris-Villepinte from November 28 to 30. 20,000 visitors from 76 countries, 780 exhibitors from all over the world, start-up villages, numerous projects and innovations presented, an enthusiastic atmosphere - all of this demonstrates the renewed vitality of the civil nuclear industry! Some twenty players from the elastomer sector were exhibiting, highlighting the functionalities of our materials in sealing, water storage and protection.

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Launch of the European INCIRCULAR project

INCIRCULAR - INtegrating Cybernated Innovation to Raise the scale of Circular Units Looping Allied Regions

The European project INCIRCULAR - INtegrating Cybernated Innovation to Raise the scale of Circular Units Looping Allied Regions - funded by Horizon Europe began on October 1, 2023 and will run for 3 years.

The INCIRCULAR project aims to unleash the innovation potential of European regions in the plastics circular economy, thanks in particular to a cascade funding system. Indeed, innovative solutions are needed to produce new types of environmentally-friendly plastics while offering technical properties and costs similar to those of petroleum-based plastics currently on the market.

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POLYMERIS strengthens its presence at the heart of the Centre-Val de Loire Region

Today marks a significant milestone for the Polymeris competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics and composites, with the inauguration of its new premises in the Agreen Lab'O Village de CA in Orléans. This expansion is accompanied by a strengthening of the team dedicated to the region, illustrating our commitment to our members and the region's industrial and academic players.

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Extracthive est le lauréat de l'AAP RRR de l'Ademe sur la thématique du recyclage des composites (copie)

We are pleased to announce that Extracthive has won ADEME's RRR call for projects, dedicated to "Innovative solutions for improving the recyclability, recycling and reincorporation of composite materials".

Extracthive was awarded €2.9 million in funding to support the industrialisation of its patented PHYre® technology, a greener solution for recycling carbon fibres from composite waste.

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EVAPLUS: study on the recycling of used plastics in the healthcare sector

Take part in a study on the recycling and recovery of used plastics in the healthcare sector.

The aim will be to draw on existing studies and experiments, as well as to call on healthcare establishments, manufacturers and recyclers to characterize the ways in which plastics can be recovered in the healthcare sector, and to assess the level of maturity of actors in the field.

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Pharmapack 2024 - Our members at the show

Polymeris will be present at Pharmapack, the European hub for the pharmaceutical packaging and drug delivery device industry.

Held annually in Paris, the event brings together over 5,500 participants and more than 300 exhibitors for two days of innovation, networking and learning.

Discover our members present at the show!

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Discover the Cosmetics Map - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The CosmeBooste project consortium has carried out a study of the public and private players in the cosmetics industry in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region.

From packaging and aromatic ingredient producers, to functional inputs, analysis laboratories and finished products....

This investigation has enabled us to highlight the specific characteristics of the region and the main challenges facing companies:

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POLREC - The application deadline for Innovation Open Call has been extended !

The application deadline for POLREC Innovation Open Call has been extended !
The new deadline for applications is 7 November at 12.00 CET.

You have one more week to finalise your application on the submission platform:

We are now looking in priority for application on Chemical Recycling and Digitalisation sub-topics. Don't miss the last chance to apply and receive funding from €20,000 to €30,000 for your projects related to chemical recycling and the digitalisation of recycling processes for plastics, rubber and composites.

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