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Launch of the European ASTER project

Polymeris commits to the circular economy of mountain activities thanks to the European ASTER project
This project, co-financed by the Interreg Alpine Space program, is coordinated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and brings together 11 partners from 5 European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia), with the aim of tackling the environmental challenges associated with textile and plastic waste in Alpine regions.
ASTER, an essential project for sustainability and ecological transition in the Alps
At a time when France has just been chosen to host the 2030 Winter Olympics in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions, major environmental concerns are emerging. In line with European objectives and those linked to the hosting of this major sporting event, it is essential to support players in accelerating innovation and improving the circularity of textile products intended for mountain activities.
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Launch of the European BIONTIER project

The European BIOntier project was launched on 10 and 11 October at the premises of the FORTH technical centre, the project coordinator, in Heraklion, Greece. It brings together a consortium of 25 partners from 12 countries. The aim of the project is to establish an integrated industrial platform dedicated to the design and production of new-generation bio-based composites (BioC).


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AMULET, the EU-funded project supporting European SMEs, presents its final results

AMULETS’s Final Event held on 16-17 October 2024, during the 13th International Trade Fair for Composite Materials KOMPOZYT-EXPO in Krakow, Poland, brought together over 100 participants including the AMULET consortium partners, most of the 15 funded collaborative projects, as well as representatives from European Commission, ELCA European Lightweight Cluster Alliance members and Fraunhofer IWU or A2LT - Austrian Advanced Lightweight Technology, to celebrate the results of the project and the three years of cluster collaboration that enabled 34 SMEs from 17 EU countries to obtain direct funding to develop innovative solutions.

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Polymeris: a key player in the European cluster dynamic

Polymeris is proud to announce its distinction as winner of the AFPC European Poles in the “Success Story” category. This prize, awarded by the Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité (AFPC), recognizes clusters capable of leading European-scale projects, and was presented to Polymeris in Strasbourg on September 25.
The aim of the award is to highlight the most impactful initiatives, thereby strengthening innovation, competitiveness and the influence of clusters across Europe. Polymeris was convincing thanks to its commitment and strategic positioning in Europe, particularly in the field of advanced materials.
A success story marked by strong European commitments
Polymeris has positioned itself as a benchmark in advanced materials thanks to its active participation in several major European projects. The Advanced Materials 2030 initiative, a pillar of the European Green Deal, is one of the key areas of our commitment. Polymeris has played a key role in networks and collaborative projects such as the ELCA (European Lightweight Cluster Alliance) network, the AMULET project (coordinated by Polymeris as part of Innosup-1 since 2021), as well as the Eurocluster POLREC project (since 2022) and the Polytronics EDIH corresponding to a cumulative amount of €12 million. These actions have enabled the cluster to establish solid collaborations and position itself as a benchmark player in innovation topics around advanced materials.

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ECOLE: Pioneering Circular Economy in Alpine Industrial Parks

The ECOLE (Eco Industrial Park Network for the Alpine Regions Leveraging Smart and Circular Economy) project is committed to transforming industrial parks in the Alpine region into sustainable, resilient, and eco-friendly hubs, better prepared to face climate and economic crises. Co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Alpine Space programme, ECOLE was launched on the 1rst of November 2022.

In the three years of cooperation, ECOLE aims to integrate circular economy principles into industrial operations by adopting a systemic thinking community model, thereby enhancing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact. This initiative brings together industries, public authorities, and universities to co-design and implement action plans for a greener future.

Under the coordination of Consorzio ZAI Interpota Quadrante Europa, the project gathers 12 partners from 5 different countries from the Alpine Space Regions around a common ambition: accelerating the transition to a circular and resource-efficient industry in the Alps.

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Polymeris, partner in the GreenSmartMed project

Polymeris, partner of the GreenSmartMed project: Towards a green and resilient manufacturing value chain in European countries connected to the Mediterranean Sea (Interreg EURO-MED)
As a partner in the European GreenSmartMed project, Polymeris is proud to contribute to a major initiative aimed at fostering a greener, more resilient manufacturing value chain in the Mediterranean region. This project, which brings together 10 partners and 9 associates from different European countries, is designed to respond to today's sustainability challenges, while stimulating innovation and trans-regional cooperation.

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The CIRCVET project is moving forward: circular economy training courses now available!

After having tested the content of the 8 training modules on the circular economy with qualified companies and students, the CIRCVET project is taking a new step by correcting and improving the various contents of its training courses. The next stage will be dedicated to the translation of the various contents in order to best prepare the integration of the modules with companies and students wishing to learn about the challenges of the circular economy, which will take place from November to December 2024!
The consortium will be meeting shortly to discuss the updating of the various modules, in Berlin at the beginning of October, and to organize the continuation of the project in order to provide high-quality dedicated training.

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POLREC: Polymer recycling training call for projects

The European POLREC project (Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling) has launched its Call for Projects for SME Training aimed at the polymer and elastomer industry. Open since May 21, 2024, it closes on August 31, 2024 at   18 :00 CET. The aim of this call is to finance the training of employees working for SMEs in the polymers and elastomers sectors who wish to learn about subjects related to polymer recycling.

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