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Back to : POLLUTEC 2023 - Interclustering missions and events

At Pollutec 2023, Polymeris took part in several workshops and events dedicated to European projects and exchanges with European clusters to represent its members on issues related to waste and resource management and the plastics circular economy.

October 10th 2023
European & international French-speaking meeting

In collaboration with Walloon partners AWEX, WBI, NCP Wallonia, Mecatech and the H2O cluster, French partners Axelera, Polymeris and France Water Team, Quebec partner Québec International & Luxembourg partners LUXInnovation, LIST and CCI Luxembourg, On October 10, the GreenWin cluster organized a working and networking session to present European opportunities and foster new collaborations within European projects in the Waste/Resources and Air Quality & Water themes. Companies were able to pitch their expertise and projects in the pipeline. Polymeris also presented the POLREC project and its currently open calls for cascade funding.

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FAKUMA - Our members at the show

Fakuma is a world-renowned trade fair for the plastics industry. We look forward to welcoming you to the Friedrichshafen exhibition center from October 17 to 21, 2023. Over 1900 exhibitors will be presenting their international offerings at the world's leading technical event for the plastics industry. This year, the focus will be on the latest technologies that promise benefits, as well as processes and tools for efficient plastics processing via injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming and 3D printing. It will be a great platform for sales and networking.

Discover our members present at the show!

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FAKUMA 2023 - Our members at the show

Fakuma is a world-renowned trade fair for the plastics industry. We look forward to welcoming you to the Friedrichshafen exhibition center from October 17 to 21, 2023. Over 1900 exhibitors will be presenting their international offerings at the world's leading technical event for the plastics industry. This year, the focus will be on the latest technologies that promise benefits, as well as processes and tools for efficient plastics processing via injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming and 3D printing. It will be a great platform for sales and networking.

Discover our members present at the show!

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Polymeris launches monthly meetings in Clermont-Ferrand

We look forward to seeing you at the first edition of the Clermont-Ferrand Monthly Meetings!

At this meeting, we presented the principles and objectives of this format, our services aimed at boosting your visibility, cluster news (events, new members) and current calls for projects.

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Call for Expressions of Interest for Saudi Arabia

Our mission at Polymeris is to support our members in their development projects. Today, we are broadening our horizons by strengthening our presence in fast-growing markets in the Middle East, notably Saudi Arabia.

As part of our business acceleration program, designed to facilitate the establishment and growth of foreign companies in the Saudi market, we are launching a call for expressions of interest. Working closely with Saudi-Aramco, we have identified a set of priority industries at the heart of this initiative, offering exciting opportunities for our members...

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Launches of POLREC Innovation open call

The first POLREC open call is now open! This Innovation open call aims to support SMEs by funding their polymer recycling projects. It is divided into three sub-topic that will support:

  • Testing of solutions for the chemical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
  • Testing solutions for the mechanical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
  • Digitisation of polymer waste recycling processes to ensure traceability and control, with a maximum budget of €20,000 per SME.

The successful SMEs will be awarded a budget based on the quote from their service provider. This budget will be used exclusively to pay for the services provided as part of the project carried out by the SME.

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Suggestion of chemical and mechanical recycling service providers – POLREC

In the frame of POLREC Innovation Open Call, Polymeris, the project coordinator, has identified service-providers within its network offering services and R&D support to SMEs for the testing and development of mechanical and chemical recycling solutions for their plastic, rubber and composite waste. These companies, research institutions and technical centres have agreed to be included in this list of service-providers so that they can be contacted by SMEs as part of their applications to the POLREC Innovation Open call.

You will find below the list of these structures with the contact details of the person in charge of the follow-up of requests related to POLREC Open call.

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PLAST MILAN 2023 - Our members at the fair

PLAST is the leading trade show in Italy and Europe for the plastics and rubber industries, and is held in Milan every three years. PLAST 2023 will once again welcome the three satellite shows that have helped enrich the content of recent editions: RUBBER (dedicated to the world of rubber), 3D PLAST (focusing on additive manufacturing and related technologies) and PLAST-MAT (dedicated to innovative plastic solutions). The entire industry is represented at PLAST.

Find out more about our members present at the show!

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