
  • Regions >
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Your competitiveness cluster in Nouvelle-Aquitaine region

The New Aquitaine Region has been the subject of a location from 2019 in connection with Aquitaine Chimie Durable (ACD) and the cluster is developing its activity there in conjunction with the European Ceramics Cluster and the Xylofutur cluster.

Resources and means




nearby site within the region


Strategic partners

Industry partners:
  • Université de Bordeaux

  • Polyvia

  • ACD (Aquitaine Chimie Durable)
Regional partners:

ACD NA, Loop Santé (ADI), CEA Tech (Bordeaux), Xylofutur, Aerospace Valley, Pôle Céramique, Cosmetic Valley, Alpha RLH, APESA, ENSCBP, UPPA, IPB…

Funding partner:

Regional targets 2020-2025

Rubber, Plastics & Composites Ecosystem



by 2025

Innovation Project Reactor



new projects
each year


European and international visibility


new actions and project
per year

Innovation Project Reactor

Accelerating the dual transition of the sector
Measures taken within the regional programs (industry of the future, circular economy…)

Key figures


Members at the end of 2023
(including 17 industrialists)


projects financeed
From 2018 to 2023


Rubber industry companies


Plasturgy and composite industry companies

The news

EVAPLUS: study on the recycling of used plastics in the healthcare sector

Take part in a study on the recycling and recovery of used plastics in the healthcare sector.

The aim will be to draw on existing studies and experiments, as well as to call on healthcare establishments, manufacturers and recyclers to characterize the ways in which plastics can be recovered in the healthcare sector, and to assess the level of maturity of actors in the field.

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Study on the recycling and recovery of plastic waste from Health

Polymeris, in partnership with ADI-NA, will launch a study on the recycling and recovery of plastic waste from the healthcare sector as part of the ORMAT call for projects, for which the next submission date is June 1.
This study is based on two observations. The first one, carried by many actors in the field of health in France, indicates that this sector is a very large consumer of plastic material (secondary/primary packaging, consumables, medical devices).
However, at the present time, at the end of its life, this material is not fully recycled/valued, despite the fact that it has a grade with a high purity and a recognized traceability.
On the other hand, plastics producers will have to increase their incorporation rates of recycled materials in the coming years for regulatory reasons or in response to market demand, including in the healthcare sector.

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R4 Composites, the national meeting place for the circular economy of composites

Reduction, Repair, Reuse and Recycling: what future for composites at the end of their life?
The R4 Composites event is organized by the three competitiveness clusters Aerospace Valley, Polymeris, TEAM2 and the event organizer ABE (Advanced Business Events). This new national event will bring together players in the value chain to develop a circular economy for composites. It will be held on March 7, 2023, at the Cité Mondiale in Bordeaux.

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New projects labelled by Polymeris and funded

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Upcoming events

Find all our upcoming events by theme

Technical days


International congresses

Collective missions


Partners events

ViV Industry, the event dedicated to the factory of the future

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20 years of Polymeris & Annual General Meeting

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R4 Composites 2026

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Past events

The Composites Circular Economy Rendezvous

Webinar: Presentation financing schemes for the plastics, rubber and composite industries in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region

POLYMERIS is organizing a project emergence day for industrial players seeking innovation and advanced solutions in the fields of traceability and recognition.

The event dedicated to the factory of the future and industrial performance in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Addresses and contacts

Maison de l'industrie

40 avenue Maryse Bastié
33520 Bruges


+33 (0)6 42 69 01 45

Thibaut LEFORT
+33 (0)7 72 32 41 62

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