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Development of a wind turbine recycling platform: the Eolo-HUBS Project
In parallel with the technological developments underway as part of EoLO-HUBS, an innovative platform has been created by Dutch partner ECHT, an energy transition agency. The “knowledge hub” is above all a knowledge platform facilitating access to information for players involved in the wind turbine blade value chain, and for legislators seeking to adapt or evolve their national or local directives. The database brings together existing recycling technologies and those currently under development. In addition, the “knowledge hub” will serve as a meeting place, facilitating contacts between wind turbine blade manufacturers and users of recycled materials. The ultimate aim is to provide users with tools to help them adjust their current business model to the circular economy.
Currently under development, this “knowledge hub” will depend in part on the commitment of wind energy players. Erik van Diest, who is in charge of the project and communication strategy, explains the strategy put in place by ECHT, with the support of Polymeris, to involve as many relevant players as possible in this initiative: “Our first step is to integrate a large number of stakeholders into the networking tool, enabling players to identify each other and collaborate on projects related to our themes. Next, we invite them to share their results in the database and explore business cases that can be used as examples in the business model transition tool. In this way, we can share knowledge and help them find new cooperation partners and customers.