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Polymeris strengthens its European partnerships: three new European inter-cluster projects to stimulate collaboration and innovation.
Polymeris kicks off the new year with the launch of three Europe-wide interclustering projects: Value4Pack, IDEALIST and GreenSmartMed. These projects position Polymeris at the heart of innovation and transnational collaboration for the next three years. They will enable the cluster to develop and strengthen its partnerships in Europe and deploy new services and expertise for the benefit of its members.
Value4Pack began on December 1, 2023 and will run for 2 years. Stemming from the European Thematic Smart Specialization Partnership on food packaging, this project aims to strengthen inter-regional collaborations in the field of food packaging, creating an inclusive European ecosystem to stimulate innovation. The project will foster shared understanding between value chain players, identifying innovation gaps and facilitating meetings to cross-fertilize ideas and practices. A bottom-up approach will also support regional authorities in defining long-term priorities.
IDEALIST also began on December 1, 2023, and will run for 3 years. Funded by the Horizon Europe program (CSA), it aims to strengthen the resilience of SMEs in key industrial sectors such as Energy Intensive Industries, Aerospace and Defense, as well as Mobility, Transport and Automotive. The project's three pillars - Strategic Foresight, Technology Adoption and Supply Chain Optimization - will guide SMEs towards proactively adapting to complex changes in the global economy.
Finally, GreenSmartMed, which starts on January 1, 2024 and runs for 3 years, is financed under the Interreg Euro-MED program and builds on the success of Greenomed, in which Polymeris was also a partner, and FinMed. The project aims to develop a methodology to foster trans-regional cooperation between 4HELIX players (companies, academics, public authorities and citizens) to promote innovation and sustainability in the manufacturing industry of the Euro-Mediterranean area. Focusing on strategic sectors such as textiles, plastics, agri-food, mobility and industrial machinery, GreenSmartMed aims to develop trans-regional collaborative R&D projects and propose a methodology for regional public administrations to support sustainable innovation.
Supported by strong consortia bringing together partners from several European countries, these projects position Polymeris as a driver of innovation and inter-cluster collaboration, actively helping to shape Europe's industrial future.
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