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7th meeting of the MATEX Industrial Club
On March 21, the 7th meeting of the MATEX Industrial Club took place, organized by the co-hosts, Martin Depardieu DWS, Catherine Bessada, CNRS, Martin Pajot Polymeris as well as Maéva Lemée and Natacha Olivier Technopole d'Orléans.
In the morning, we visited the Atelier Loire Chartres. During this visit we could discover the work of the master glassworkers in particular for the conception and the restoration of stained glasses. You will find on their website a range of their most beautiful and great projects,
In the afternoon, the Eure et Loir Campus of Chartres hosted the meeting of the Club des Industriels through Mr. BLONDEAU. As an introduction, Séverine BOULY and Teddy LAROYE from Chartres Métropole presented the economic wealth of the agglomeration.
Then, a networking session around a coffee allowed to put forward the projects of MATEX by soliciting many young researchers, who had for the occasion, made posters of their work.
Finally, at the end of the afternoon, Mr. BLONDEAU, Researcher at the CEMHTI accompanied us in the discovery of the local competences in Chartres of the CEMHTI.