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The 2nd edition of the "Forum Multi Matériaux" in Metz on September 11 and 12, 2023

Buoyed by the success of the first edition, which brought together over 200 participants in September 2019 at Michelin in Ladoux (63), MATERALIA, the Pôle Européen de la Céramique and POLYMERIS, have decided to join forces again to organize a second forum on a topical subject: Materials for tomorrow's energy and industry.

The main objective is to bring together industrial and academic players from the three ecosystems interested in technological innovation, and to explore the major challenges of multi-materials by identifying technological trends.

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POLYTRONICS Annual General Meeting

On Tuesday June 13, we were lucky enough to be able to organize the 6-month meeting of our EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) POLYTRONICS. We began with a progress report from all the members of the consortium, followed by a series of workshops designed to help companies make the most of their digital transformation.
As a reminder, the aim of Polytronics is to support polymer materials companies (plastics, textiles, composites and rubbers) in their digital transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

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Launch of the European project EoLO-HUBs

EoLO-HUBs, cofinancé par l'Union européenne à hauteur de près de 10 millions d'euros, permettra de récupérer les fibres de verre et de carbone des grandes structures thermodurcissables à la fin de leur vie « utile ».

Les 18 partenaires du projet EoLO-HUBs se sont réunis dans les locaux du centre technologique AITIIP, coordinateur du projet, pour donner le coup d'envoi de ce projet qui se déroulera sur 48 mois. Le consortium comprend des divisions de recherche d'entreprises industrielles de premier plan, comme le Centro Ricerche Fiat, Mitsubishi Chemical, Saint-Gobain Placo ou PLATA.

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Call for projects: ORMAT (Objectif Recyclage MATières)

This call for projects financially supports the production of recycled raw materials (RRM) and their incorporation into their products by processors and marketers.
Since 2016, ADEME's ORPLAST scheme has supported the reincorporation of plastic PRM into manufactured products. As a follow-up, the ORMAT scheme was created and aims to financially support:
  • The preparation and production of recycling raw materials (RPM) from waste, by specialized recycling professionals: we will speak for this phase of regeneration or recycling, depending on the materials considered.
  • The integration of PRM by companies that transform raw materials into products, taking into account the real technical constraints to adapt the production systems to the integration of these PRM.

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Launch of the European Bio-Uptake project

The European project Bio-Uptake "Bio composites in smart plastic transformation processes to pave the way for the large-scale uptake of sustainable bio-based products” funded by Horizon Europe, has started on December 1st, 2022.

Bio-based materials, due to their intrinsic nature, have demonstrated that they can be adequate candidates, with a performance good enough, to replace petroleum derivates´ in various application areas. However, due to differences in physical and thermochemical properties, a direct replacement of the current material with newly developed bio-based is often a mistake. To reach the full potential of bio-based materials, product eco-design is essential. The novel approach on which Bio-Uptake project relies is based on modularity or pre-fabrication: the development of high-tech bio-based intermediate formats.

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EDIH4Manu International Launch Conference

Polymeris participated on January 24, 2023 in the international launch conference of the EDIH4Manu network organized by MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0 in Milan. A network of 25 EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hub) coordinated by MADE Competence Center i4.0, EDIH4Manu gathers EDIHs from the most competitive European regions and represents more than 30% of the value-added of European manufacturing industries.

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Launch of the WALCHY project

WALCHY - WAAM Additive Technology for Hydrogen Valves components

Launched on October 10, 2022, WALCHY is a European project that aims to design, prototype and test the industrial production capabilities of a valve component for the hydrogen energy industry based on a Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process.

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Feedback on our Collective Mission in Japan

The mission to Japan was held the week of November 14-19, 2022. It followed the webinar presentation of innovative Japanese companies in September and the survey on the interests of our members.

The themes selected were bio-based materials and recycling techniques.

In partnership with ADERLY, Yukiko Sugiyama VINCENT and Jean-Jacques LEGAT were able to meet with a dozen Japanese companies to discuss these topics, which are at the heart of our roadmap. Not surprisingly, these topics have an international impact and the concern for the preservation of the planet and the reduction of the environmental footprint are also omnipresent in the discussions and ambitions of the companies and groups we met.

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