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Launch of the European project Cradle-Alp

Polymeris is a partner of the European Interreg Alpin Space project: Cradle Alp. Launched in November 2022 for a period of 3 years, this project aims to disseminate and raise awareness of the "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) circular economy approach among economic and political actors in the Alpine region.

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European project AMULET : The winners of the 1st Open call and opening of the 2nd call

The first open call made it possible to finance 24 consortia of up to 3 SMEs with lightweighting projects in the construction, aerospace, energy and automotive sectors.

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Launch of the POLREC project

The European project POLREC "Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling" funded by "Euroclusters", of which Polymeris is the coordinator, has started on September 1, 2022.

The objective of the project is double: to enhance the polymer industry’s capacity to reduce the environmental impact of its products while increasing the European strategic autonomy in its supply of raw materials for polymer production.

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Launch of the CircVet project

The new CircVet Project starts!

Plastics are an essential part of our daily lives and they are everywhere, being an important catalyst for the progress of humanity. On the other hand, because of the way they are manufactured and used today, they are also responsible for 80% of marine litter and 26 million tons of waste per year. Furthermore, if we could recycle these materials, manufacture them more efficiently and apply circular business models, there would be a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions. These are just some of the reasons why the European Union has opted for a circular economy. (CE) in the plastics sector a centerpiece of its action plan.

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POLYMERIS was present at IndTech 2022

IndTech 2022 is a flagship event on the European agenda, organized every two years by the European Commission in one of the countries holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Part of Horizon Europe's Cluster 4 "Digital, Industry and Space" program, this event mobilizes key European and global players on the theme of tomorrow's industrial technologies.

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Launch of the PLASTICE project

Integrating plastic waste in the circular economy: new project PLASTICE kicks off

Today, only 20% of plastic is recycled but a new EU-funded project – PLASTICE – hopes to improve this figure by introducing valorisation processes aligned with the latest chemical recycling technologies.

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A-RING Newsletter N°3

With this third edition of the A-RING newsletter, we are pleased to share with you the highlights of the final event of the project in public, held at the University of Milan on May 31, 2022. The project partners had the opportunity to present the results of the in-depth work carried out over the last three years, while the main stakeholders of the Alpine Space had the chance to discuss together the past and future perspectives of the Intelligent Specialization (S3) Strategies (Research & Innovation) and to explore the possibility to join their efforts for the development of a shared R&I Agenda for the Alpine Space macro-region.

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PERCY - Feedback on the collective mission to CANADA

Within the framework of their objective to develop relations with international partners, the 4 European clusters of the PERCY project, including POLYMERIS, organized a collective mission to Canada from May 30 to June 3.

Polymeris was accompanied by the other partners in the PERCY project (Polymer Recycling): Fonden Plast Center Danmark, Denmark, Project Coordinator,    Wirtschaftsforderung Raum Heilbron GMBH, Germany and Slovensky Plastikarsky Klaster, Slovakia. They were hosted on site by 3 Canadian clusters and 30 representatives of their members (companies and research centers).

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