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POLREC Innovation Open Call: 25 winning projects, including 9 from France

The results of the first call for projects launched as part of the European POLREC project coordinated by Polymeris are in: 25 SMEs have won, including 9 French ones, for a total budget of €660,000. The aim of this call for projects was to finance new, innovative polymer recycling processes, and it proved a resounding success, with 13 winning projects focusing on mechanical recycling, 8 on chemical recycling and 4 on digitalization.

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Launch of the European INCIRCULAR project

INCIRCULAR - INtegrating Cybernated Innovation to Raise the scale of Circular Units Looping Allied Regions

The European project INCIRCULAR - INtegrating Cybernated Innovation to Raise the scale of Circular Units Looping Allied Regions - funded by Horizon Europe began on October 1, 2023 and will run for 3 years.

The INCIRCULAR project aims to unleash the innovation potential of European regions in the plastics circular economy, thanks in particular to a cascade funding system. Indeed, innovative solutions are needed to produce new types of environmentally-friendly plastics while offering technical properties and costs similar to those of petroleum-based plastics currently on the market.

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Launches of POLREC Innovation open call

The first POLREC open call is now open! This Innovation open call aims to support SMEs by funding their polymer recycling projects. It is divided into three sub-topic that will support:

  • Testing of solutions for the chemical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
  • Testing solutions for the mechanical recycling of polymer waste (plastics, rubber, composites), with a maximum budget of €30,000 per SME.
  • Digitisation of polymer waste recycling processes to ensure traceability and control, with a maximum budget of €20,000 per SME.

The successful SMEs will be awarded a budget based on the quote from their service provider. This budget will be used exclusively to pay for the services provided as part of the project carried out by the SME.

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Survey for the plastics recycling and plastics processing industries

You are a plastics recycling/plastics industry using raw materials from recycled plastic waste? You wish to set up new recycling processes for your plastic waste? Are you experiencing difficulties in obtaining raw materials from recycled plastics?

In the framework of the European project POLREC, we need your feedback on your activity, the difficulties you encounter and your needs. To do so, do not hesitate to answer the following questionnaire (10 minutes).

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Launch of the European project ECOLE

The ECOLE Project starts!
The new Interreg Alpine Space project ECOLE aims to accelerate the transition to more resource efficient and circular industries in the Alpine region by establishing an integrated model of Ecological Industrial Parks (EIPs) applying the principles of the Circular Economy (CE) not only to the product value chain, but also to the supporting functions. ECOLE will thus enable the Alpine industry to be more competitive and sustainable in the international market, making it more resilient to crises and closer to its territory.

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Launch of the European project Cradle-Alp

Polymeris is a partner of the European Interreg Alpin Space project: Cradle Alp. Launched in November 2022 for a period of 3 years, this project aims to disseminate and raise awareness of the "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) circular economy approach among economic and political actors in the Alpine region.

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European project AMULET : The winners of the 1st Open call and opening of the 2nd call

The first open call made it possible to finance 24 consortia of up to 3 SMEs with lightweighting projects in the construction, aerospace, energy and automotive sectors.

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Launch of the POLREC project

The European project POLREC "Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling" funded by "Euroclusters", of which Polymeris is the coordinator, has started on September 1, 2022.

The objective of the project is double: to enhance the polymer industry’s capacity to reduce the environmental impact of its products while increasing the European strategic autonomy in its supply of raw materials for polymer production.

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