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PLAST MILAN 2023 - Our members at the fair

PLAST is the leading trade show in Italy and Europe for the plastics and rubber industries, and is held in Milan every three years. PLAST 2023 will once again welcome the three satellite shows that have helped enrich the content of recent editions: RUBBER (dedicated to the world of rubber), 3D PLAST (focusing on additive manufacturing and related technologies) and PLAST-MAT (dedicated to innovative plastic solutions). The entire industry is represented at PLAST.

Find out more about our members present at the show!

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Launch of the European project THERMOFIRE

We are glad to announce the launch of the European project THERMOFIRE – Bio-based fire-retardant thermoplastic composites reinforced with natural fibres - funded by Horizon Europe, started on June, 1st 2023.

The project THERMOFIRE has the objective to develop novel bio-based and recyclable composites with enhanced mechanical properties and fire resistance by using natural fiber reinforcements and bio-based halogen-free flame retardants. The production of these novel composite materials will be scaled up and 3 types of demonstrators will be developed (for aerospace, automotive and textile applications). Through the development of such advanced materials, THERMOFIRE will contribute in EU’s independence towards fossil based polymers.

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POLYTRONICS Annual General Meeting

On Tuesday June 13, we were lucky enough to be able to organize the 6-month meeting of our EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) POLYTRONICS. We began with a progress report from all the members of the consortium, followed by a series of workshops designed to help companies make the most of their digital transformation.
As a reminder, the aim of Polytronics is to support polymer materials companies (plastics, textiles, composites and rubbers) in their digital transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

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Find out more about: Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU)

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE-JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC), which funds projects to promote competitive circular bio-based industries as part of Horizon Europe, the European Union's research and innovation program.

This European funding program builds on the success of its predecessor, BBI-JU. Since 2014, this €3.7 billion partnership between the European Union and BIC has supported Europe's biobased industries. For every euro of public money, 2.8 euros of private investment have been generated.

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Launch of the European project EoLO-HUBs

EoLO-HUBs, cofinancé par l'Union européenne à hauteur de près de 10 millions d'euros, permettra de récupérer les fibres de verre et de carbone des grandes structures thermodurcissables à la fin de leur vie « utile ».

Les 18 partenaires du projet EoLO-HUBs se sont réunis dans les locaux du centre technologique AITIIP, coordinateur du projet, pour donner le coup d'envoi de ce projet qui se déroulera sur 48 mois. Le consortium comprend des divisions de recherche d'entreprises industrielles de premier plan, comme le Centro Ricerche Fiat, Mitsubishi Chemical, Saint-Gobain Placo ou PLATA.

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Survey for the plastics recycling and plastics processing industries

You are a plastics recycling/plastics industry using raw materials from recycled plastic waste? You wish to set up new recycling processes for your plastic waste? Are you experiencing difficulties in obtaining raw materials from recycled plastics?

In the framework of the European project POLREC, we need your feedback on your activity, the difficulties you encounter and your needs. To do so, do not hesitate to answer the following questionnaire (10 minutes).

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Launch of the European Bio-Uptake project

The European project Bio-Uptake "Bio composites in smart plastic transformation processes to pave the way for the large-scale uptake of sustainable bio-based products” funded by Horizon Europe, has started on December 1st, 2022.

Bio-based materials, due to their intrinsic nature, have demonstrated that they can be adequate candidates, with a performance good enough, to replace petroleum derivates´ in various application areas. However, due to differences in physical and thermochemical properties, a direct replacement of the current material with newly developed bio-based is often a mistake. To reach the full potential of bio-based materials, product eco-design is essential. The novel approach on which Bio-Uptake project relies is based on modularity or pre-fabrication: the development of high-tech bio-based intermediate formats.

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Launch of the European project ECOLE

The ECOLE Project starts!
The new Interreg Alpine Space project ECOLE aims to accelerate the transition to more resource efficient and circular industries in the Alpine region by establishing an integrated model of Ecological Industrial Parks (EIPs) applying the principles of the Circular Economy (CE) not only to the product value chain, but also to the supporting functions. ECOLE will thus enable the Alpine industry to be more competitive and sustainable in the international market, making it more resilient to crises and closer to its territory.

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