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Meet our members at the FIP show from April 5 to 9

A flagship event and reference for the entire profession, it brings together all the players to promote the performance of a high-tech, competitive and responsible plastics industry with more than 10,000 visitors and 800 exhibitors, including many members of the cluster!

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#2 Technical and Strategic Newsletter on Plastic Recycling

The POLYMERIS and AXELERA competitiveness clusters offer you their second technical and strategic watch bulletin dedicated to plastics recycling.
This quarterly document is part of a collaborative mission between these two clusters to promote synergies between waste management actors, chemists and plastics manufacturers. This mission is supported by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region as part of the Voluntary Agreement on the Circular Economy of the plastics industry.

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Launch of the community for materials and the circular economy

Since 2020, the Polymeris, Materalia and Plastinnov Technology Platform clusters have joined forces to organize a cycle of webinars dedicated to Circular Economy approaches in the materials field and in which you have participated. These events provided the groundwork for the launch of the "COMETE" community (Community for Materials and the Circular Economy), which was initiated this summer.

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