The past events

Polymeris, PLASTIUM and POLYVIA are co-organizing another day of Plastic Week Workshops, focusing on "Industrie 4.0: Tools for industrial performance".

Polymeris is a partner of the business industries Dijon trade show and will be present on November 29 & 30, 2023 for its 3rd edition at the Parc des expositions et congrès.

"Recycling complex plastics" event organized by POC Media in partnership with Polymeris

Polymeris and all its partners invite you to the Hackathon on the theme of "Reinventing tomorrow's packaging".

Webinar on cascade financing (for SMEs) as part of the European project: SURE5.0

Funding scheme for your innovative project: how to find the right call or opportunity?

The 100% online BtoB event dedicated to innovative materials

Discover European funding for your research and innovation projects! See you on November 14 in Lyon and online.

Polymeris organizes a Day around the theme of Materials in the Defense Sector on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 in BOURGES.

This webinar is part of the awareness campaign of the European project Cradle Alp

A technical day on the theme of functionality through plastic materials and/or surface treatments.

The 100% online BtoB day dedicated to Defence and Security

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