The past events

Fields of recycling, biosourced materials and materials for lightweighting.

Open call to obtain European funding in the field of artificial intelligence

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

Presentation and exchange session on the action of the A-RING Project in the R&I strategy of the Alpine Space

Want to learn more about Aramco's business opportunities in petroleum-based polymers?

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

C WORLD Feedback Webinar 31052022

Mission in Canada within the framework of the European project PERCY on the recycling of polymers.

PERCY – Presentation of the program of the Mission of June 21 and 22 in Pennsylvania

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

Clusters from Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Slovakia in the textile, plastics and automotive sectors

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

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