The past events

Webinar presentation of trends observed at the show

Webinar on Financing Training for SMEs

The S2E2 and POLYMERIS clusters are joining forces to host “Usine à Projets”, a workshop to help you meet challenges and innovate!

Idealist project: Polymeris supports a member SME in an exploratory mission on new advanced materials technologies

Financing your projects with European funds? Why not!

Explore POLREC’s Open Call for Internationalisation Opportunities for SMEs

Webinar presenting the MyPolymeris community platform, designed to promote collaborative working within Polymeris.

Discover business opportunities at FAKUMA with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional visitor mission

Webinar of restitution is proposed in order to retranscribe the trends observed on the show

Workshop 3 Cradle-ALP & Polymer-based composites: Crafting a Circular Roadmap for Composites – Focus on Value recovery (Collecting, Sorting, Recycling)

Insights from Ireland and France studies on recycling medical used plastics

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