Publication date:
- Organize a multi-stakeholder conference on financing collaborative innovation
- Ensure sustainable public-private funding for the development of clusters
- Strengthen the quality of the Competitiveness Cluster label by setting up an independent certification
- Systematically mention the Competitiveness Cluster label in calls for projects and implement a financial bonus for companies with the label that obtain funding
- Strengthen the missions of the DGE in terms of support for innovative ecosystems and SMEs and create a role of "collaborative innovation" project director
- Set up a Grand Défi department "Supporting collaborative innovation and economic transformation in the territories" at the General Secretariat for Investment
- Include the clusters in the 19 strategic sector committees
- Rely on the competitiveness clusters to meet future needs for skills related to industrialization and transitions.
- Deploy a team in charge of competitiveness clusters within the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
To give maximum impact to this approach, we invite you to support these proposals by signing this platform and sharing it as widely as possible!
Competitiveness clusters are essential to innovation in the regions, reindustrialization and economic sovereignty. Created in 2004, the Competitiveness Clusters have become an indispensable public policy tool in less than twenty years. The challenge now is to make their action sustainable by confirming the commitment of the State alongside the Regions and all the public and private players concerned.
If you recognize the seriousness and competence of the clusters and what they bring to the development of the French industrial and scientific fabric, support this initiative.