Would you like to know how to finance your projects? The Polymeris, ALPHA-RLH and Aerospace Valley competitiveness clusters are organizing a joint webinar for their members on European calls for projects to finance industrial, materials and civil security projects.
The calls for projects presented to you aim to :
- Support research and innovation in polymer materials, digital tools (AI, robotics, digital twins) and the aeronautics industry,
- Meet the technological and commercial challenges associated with these fields.
- Develop European collaboration on these subjects
Un descriptif d’opportunités d’Horizon Europe (5 appels à projets décryptés), une présentation de l’appel Eureka Eurostars et de l’accompagnement des projets européens A description of Horizon Europe opportunities (5 calls for projects), a presentation of the Eureka Eurostars call and support for DIHNAMIC and POLYTRONICS European projects.
A webinar hosted by :
- Léa LEMARIÉ – Cheffe de projets européens chez ALPHA-RLH
- Elsa COUSIN – Chargée de projets européens chez Polymeris
- Adele SEGUIN – Chargée de projet POLYTRONICS
- Diego CARBALLO – Chef de projets européens chez Aerospace Valley
- Anne KEROUÉ – Chargée de mission projets innovants chez Aerospace Valley
This webinar will be held in French.
The webinar organizers will hold a second session on January 18, 2024 to enable members of the three clusters to pitch their project idea and/or partner search to European players (event in English).