In a world seeking sustainable, environmentally-friendly solutions, the biodegradability of materials and substances is a crucial issue for the chemical industry. This webinar aims to enlighten participants on the essential concepts of biodegradability, focusing on the mechanisms involved. It will also cover current regulations and standards, as well as legislative developments to be anticipated in this field.
To bring this issue to life, concrete examples will be presented, demonstrating the benefits of taking biodegradability into account right from the design stage of new products. In addition, this webinar will highlight players with the skills (analysis, characterization, eco-design, etc.) to support companies and researchers wishing to develop innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions.
Objectives and program
The objectives of this event are to :
- Recall the current context and the interest in innovating in favor of biodegradable materials and substances;
- Define the concept of biodegradability and present the associated mechanisms;
- Address the subject of regulations and current and forthcoming standards;
- Highlight existing analyses and characterizations, and the players who can carry them out;
- Illustrate the subject of biodegradability with concrete examples.
This webinar will feature several highlights:
- Presentations by experts on biodegradability to provide the elements needed to understand the subject (definitions, mechanisms, standards, strategy, etc.);
- Feedback from providers of skills and/or equipment solutions (analysis, characterization, etc.) for the development of biodegradable materials, with concrete examples;
- Question-and-answer session and open discussion;
- 10h00 - 10h05: Introduction and presentation of the organizing clusters - AXELERA ; POLYMERIS
- 10h05 - 10h20: Polymer classification, description of the mechanisms involved in polymer biodegradation; parameters and levers influencing biodegradation - ICCF
- 10h20 - 10h35: Regulations; biodegradability assessment methods; methodological and specification standards - EQUITOX
- 10h35 - 10h50: Controversies and issues surrounding biodegradability - GBCC
- 10h50 - 11h00: Q&A session - AXELERA ; POLYMERIS
- 11h00 - 11h15: Concrete examples of biodegradability tests and focus on packaging - CTP
- 11h15 - 11h30: What if plastic packaging became 100% compostable and methanizable, even at room temperature? - CARBIOLICE
- 11h30 - 11h45: Biodegradability potential of single-use agricultural equipment - OSE SERVICE
- 11h45 - 12h00: Influence of the chemical structure of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) on their biodegradability - UNIVERSITE BRETAGNE SUD (UBS)
- 12h00 - 12h05: Conclusion and end - AXELERA ; POLYMERIS
Webinar organizers: