Public financing schemes: a jungle of good intentions!

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  • Public financing schemes: a jungle of good intentions!


Polymeris and Auvalie Innovation organize a webinar on public funding schemes

Tags : Webinars


Polymeris and Auvalie Innovation are organizing a webinar on public funding schemes

If innovation is a growth driver for your company, this workshop is for you. A company that innovates takes risks to create future value, which is why the public authorities support innovative companies at every stage in the life cycle of their innovation project. Subsidies, repayable advances, innovation loans, investments, research tax credit, JEI status - it's all about identifying the best scheme, at the right time.

Auvalie Innovation, a consulting firm specializing in strategy and financing for innovative companies, offers you a clearer view of these many schemes, which can sometimes be complex, but which will help you succeed in the future!

This webinar will provide an opportunity to present the main types of public aid, decipher a typical application, understand the main eligibility criteria and share a few "consultant tips and tricks".

Speaker: Christophe Ebro – Innovation Director at Auvalie Innovation –




+33 (0)7 85 01 34 80

MALAQUIN Julie - Team Polymeris

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