POLYMERIS, the French competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics and composites, is organizing, in addition to its Innovation and Medical Club, a Project Emergence Day on the theme "Polymers for innovation in the medical field" on May 17th, 2022 in Ivry-sur-Seine, in partnership with Silver Innov’.
In order to discuss this topic, its challenges and to initiate collaborative projects, this day will focus on the contribution of polymeric materials for innovation in the medical field and will highlight topics on medical devices, delivery of active ingredients, new implementation technologies and many others (see program below).
If you are interested, do not hesitate to register via the link below. Limited number of places, registration closes on May 6th.
Program & Registration
Members rate : 200 €HT (240 €TTC) / Non-members rate : 400 €HT (480 €TTC)
Organized in partnership with: Silver Innov'