Presentation of IN CIRCULAR financing opportunities and Q&A

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  • Presentation of IN CIRCULAR financing opportunities and Q&A


SMEs in Auvergne Rhône Alpes, take part in the webinar presenting IN CIRCULAR financing opportunities.

SMEs in Auvergne Rhône Alpes, take part in the webinar presenting IN CIRCULAR financing opportunities.

INCIRCULAR INCIRCULAR is a European project in which Polymeris is a partner, supporting innovation in the participating European regions. The project partners are working on the circularity of plastics in the household appliances sector. To support inter-regional innovation, the project has received funding (€360k) from the European Commission, to be redistributed to 6 innovative SMEs.

SMEs with headquarters or branches in the following EU regions are eligible to apply:

  • Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (France), Andalusia (Spain), or Slovenia (all regions).
  • SMEs can apply individually or in small consortia (maximum 2 SMEs). Consortia of 2 SMEs from 2 different countries are valued in the evaluation.

Funded projects must provide technological building blocks designed to improve at least one of the processes in the Incircular value chain (see slide 6 of the attached document). These activities must focus on demonstration activities (TRL6+) and provide innovative solutions to overcome the above-mentioned challenges.

Example: Development of an automated sorting solution (currently manual); sensor-equipped mold to facilitate injection; equipment to improve crushing of the material to be recycled; ...

Key figures:

  • 6 SMEs funded at a maximum of €60k each
  • Maximum project duration: 12 months
  • 3 European regions involved



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