Within the framework of the European project PERCY, Polymer Recycling, we are organizing a mission to Canada from May 30 to June 3. We will be hosted by our partners Prima Québec and Alliances Polymères. We will meet clusters and innovative companies. We will accompany some of our members.
The purpose of the March 16th webinar is to introduce the Canada mission and gather your needs.
In this webinar, we will present:
- Presentation of the European PERCY project and objectives of the Mission
- Program of the Mission
- Presentation of our Canadian partners PRIMA Québec and Alliances Polymères
- Presentation by our partners: market information, market/sector trends and opportunities
- Questions and answers
This action is part of the International Club Polymeris
+33 (0)6 31 31 04 50
Aurélie REPETO
+33(0)6 42 64 53 75