3 Av. de la Recherche Scientifique, 45100 Orléans
POLYMERIS has been involved for more than a year now with the CNRS and academic structures of the Centre Val-de-Loire region in the definition of a Research and Development Ambition project on the theme of "Multimaterials in Extreme Conditions - MATEX". Building on multiple existing skills, the objective of this project is to highlight the regional R&D from the national to the international level. The stakes are to strengthen collaborations, to structure a unique experimental park and to develop training, ...
In this context, Polymeris organizes a Project Emergence Day on the theme of Rubber, Plastics and Composites in Extreme Conditions on Thursday, December 1st in Orleans. From the elaboration processes to their use, polymers in the broadest sense are likely to be implemented in an extreme environment of temperature, pressure, irradiation, mechanical stress ...
This new day will be structured around several sessions, including:
- Elastomeric processes: design, interface control, chemical and/or physical modification, new functionalities...
- Elastomers under extreme conditions: conditions of use, coupled effects, operando and in-situ, performance, prediction of properties of use...
- Durability, ageing: evolution over time, substitute materials.
This event has 3 main objectives: to take stock of the issues related to the use of elastomers in extreme conditions and recent advances and innovations, to promote the MATEX project, and to allow the academic and industrial worlds to meet and identify subjects for collaborative research projects.