CCI du Cher, Esplanade de l’aéroport, Avenue d’Issoudun – 18000 Bourges
For over a year now, POLYMERIS has been working alongside the CNRS and academic bodies in the Centre Val-de-Loire region to define a Research and Development Ambition project on the theme of "multiMATatériaux en conditions EXtrêmes - MATEX". Drawing on a wide range of existing skills, the aim of this project is to highlight regional R&D from the national to the international level. The challenges are to strengthen collaborations, structure a unique experimental park and develop training courses, ...
In this context, Polymeris is organizing a Day on the theme of Materials in the Defense Sector on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at BOURGES. From development to use, materials are likely to be used in extreme environments involving temperature, pressure, irradiation, mechanical stress, etc.
This new day will be structured around several sessions, including :
- Elaboration processes: design, interface control, chemical and/or physical modification, new functionalities...
- Materials under extreme stress: conditions of use, coupled effects, operando and in-situ, performance, prediction of use properties...
- Durability and ageing: changes over time, substitute materials.
This event has 3 main objectives: to take stock of the issues surrounding the use of innovative materials in the defense sector, to promote the MATEX project, and to bring the academic and industrial worlds together to identify topics for collaborative research projects.
- Theme: Elaboration processes
- Numerical representation of polymers for property prediction using machine learning approaches / ALYSOPHIL
- Developing tomorrow's defense materials: from multi-functional coatings to thermostable composites / SPECIFIC POLYMERS
- 3D fractal antennas and multimaterials / CRESITT INDUSTRY-CETIM
- Theme: Solicitations and Extreme Conditions
- Cushioning for airborne weapons / EFJM
- Electric field structuring of thermally conductive composites to improve their thermal conductivity / GETELEC
- Materials and processes challenges for an airworthy PEM fuel cell / SAFRAN POWER UNIT
- Ageing of elastomer materials: prediction of their behavior by application of Arrhenius law / SMAC
- Theme: Regulations
- Regulatory constraints on polymeric materials / CEHTRA
- Theme: Durability, aging and characterization
- Durability of polymeric materials in the defense sector / CNEP
- Thermo-oxidative aging and its impact on the response of elastomers designed for high-temperature applications / LABORATOIRE LAME
- Visit to the Printing Bourges platform
- Pitches: Carbon Waters, Interep, Peakexpert
Rates :
- Polymeris or CETIM member : 200€ HT
- Non member : 400€ HT
- Pitch Polymeris or CETIM member : 300€ HT
- Pitch Non member : 500€ HT
They will be taking part: