Salle Roudouic,29900, Concarneau
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partners events
In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and environmental preservation, marine biological resources represent a veritable breeding ground for inspiration and solutions for the emergence of innovative biomaterials. The transformation of traditional, often polluting materials into degradable biomaterials in the marine environment represents a major challenge for the preservation of the oceans and their biodiversity.
- Are you a company or manufacturer specializing in blue biotech?
- Do you represent a research laboratory, technical center or professional organization working in this field?
Let's explore together the potential of marine bioresources for the creation of innovative materials and discover the applications of materials derived from plant biomass in the field of marine biological resources.
- 8.45 Welcome coffee
- 9.15 Opening words
- Nicolas LONGHITANO, Chargé de Mission Innovation Pays de la Loire, POLYMERIS
- Roland CONANEC, Responsable du développement du secteur cosmétique et des projets ingrédients, BIOTECH SANTE BRETAGNE
- 9.30 Introductory conference: Overview and challenges of blue biomaterials
- Emmanuelle LAUDE-DUVAL, Responsable de l'équipe chimie-bio-matériaux, Groupe VIDON
- Max Chiffoleau, Ingénieur d'affaires maritimes, LEYTON
- 10.15 Coffee break and networking
- 10.45 Round table: Blue biomaterials: how to understand their sourcing, formulation and processing?
- Robin MAQUET, Président, BYSCO
- Agathe LACOMBE-CHARVET, Responsable Innovation, ELIXANCE
- Delphine TRIOUX, Coordinatrice projet, NOUVELLE PLASTURGIE
- 12.15 Financing opportunities for blue biomaterials
- Anne-Cécile GOULET, Chargée de mission, POLE MER BRETAGNE ATLANTIQUE
- Christine LE FLANCHEC, Responsable développement économie bleue, CREDIT MARITIME GRAND OUEST
- 12.30-2.00 Cocktail lunch & networking
- 2.00 Round table: What markets for blue biomaterials? Experience feedback
- Philippe GABORIAU, cofondateur et dirigeant, ALEGINA
- Yann SANTERRE, associé, GWILEN
- Yolène LEDOUX, chargée de mission Aquaculture, SMIDAP
- Mathilde GUEGUEN, cheffe de projets, COOPERATION MARITIME
- 3.30 BIG WITNESS concludes: Yves Grohens, Directeur de ComposiTIC, UBS
- 4.15-6.00 Visit to the KAIROS company