Circular economy of plastic objects: example of packaging and sporting goods (copy)

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  • Circular economy of plastic objects: example of packaging and sporting goods (copy)


This webinar is part of the awareness campaign of the European project Cradle Alp

Polymeris is organizing this webinar in collaboration with the Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie (IPC) to address the current challenges of the circular economy applied to plastics through two application sectors: packaging and sporting goods.

Gilles Dennler, Research Director at IPC, will present French and European regulations (including Extended Producer Responsibilities), industry trends, standards and certifications through concrete examples.

This webinar is organized as part of the awareness campaign for the European Cradle Alp project, which aims to foster the emergence of new circular value chains and circular economy models within industries in the Alpine region.



+33 (0)6 31 31 04 50

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