6th edition of the S3 Congress

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  • 6th edition of the S3 Congress

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6th European Congress on Eco-plasturgy and Sustainable, Intelligent and Safe Plastic Materials


For this 6th edition of the European S3 Congress (safe, intelligent and sustainable), we will have the pleasure of listening to numerous presentations on subjects that are essential for the future of plastics and composite materials in European societies.

A succession of speakers will address a number of topics, including:

  • Development of new materials for the toy and automotive sectors.
  • The circular economy through different recycling techniques.
  • Functionalisation of polymer and composite material surfaces for increasingly complex applications.


This year's event will include B2B meetings and a visit to our partner and host PROPLAST.

PROPLAST is a technology center focused on research and innovation in the polymer and composite field and organized as a cluster (recognized at European level - ESCA silver labelled), by integrating the industrial and academic worlds and harmonizing their competencies, approaches, and needs.

Proplast promotes competitiveness of the industries, especially SMEs, by fostering innovation and networking actions at national and international level by organizing conferences, workshops, round tables and B2Bs. Since 2008, Proplast is recognized as the managing body of CGreen - Green chemistry and advanced materials in Italian Piedmont region, and currently is part of the Sistema Poli Piemonte meta-cluster.

Proplast facilities include pilot lines of the main technologies for polymer production and processing, i.e. extrusion and compounding, injection molding and thermoforming, fiber reinforced composite production.

Proplast has been involved in several collaborative research projects at European (HE, H2020, Life+, FP7, FP6) and national level (Piedmont Region and National calls), and in different collaborative cluster projects at European Level (ERASMUS+, Alpine Space, H2020, Cosme Program).




  • 1.30 - 2.00 PM: OPENING
  • 2.00 - 2.10 PM: Introduction 
  • 2.10 - 3.50 PM: SESSION 1
    • Stellantis MAT4CAR2030 project towards Carbon Net Zero future cars - CRF
    • R&D advancement on biomaterials for textile applications - NTT
    • Development of a Biodegradable and Home-Compostable Insect Exclusion Textile for Sustainable Agriculture (Partners: IMP, CNEP, MDB Texinov) - MDB TEXINOV & CNEP
    • Developing a new class of wood-polymer compounds for the circular economy in the toys sector - SUPSI
    • Industrial applications with Biocompounds - Ideapack
  • 3.50 - 4.10 PM: COFFEE BREAK 
  • 4.10 - 6.20 PM: SESSION 2
    • Recycling composites material and producing new secondary raw material – Alpha Recyclage Composites
    • To be announced – Lab Plastics
    • Roundtable BIO-MATTERS
  • 6.20 PM: END OF THE DAY
  • 8.00 PM: DINNER


  • 8.50 - 9.20 AM: OPENING
  • 9.20 - 11.00 AM: SESSION 3
    • To be announced
    • 3DFLAXTRONICS : flax organosheet brings smart sustainable composite materials - MCVE Technologie
    • A Fluorine-free, environmentally friendly nanocoating for surface engineering - SUPSI
    • Enhancing Barrier Properties of Bio-Sourced Materials Through Multi-Nanolayer Co-Extrusion Process - CT-IPC
    • High-performance & eco-friendly coatings for flexible packaging industry - SAES Getter
  •  11.00 - 11.20 AM: COFFEE BREAK
  •  11.20 - 1:00 PM: SESSION 4
    • Environmental Assessment of three Different Recycled Raw Materials for the Development of Thermoplastic Materials for Technical Applications – LATI
    • Setting new standards for circularity with injection moulding - ENGEL Italia
    • To be announced - Puntozero3D
    • To be announced - Covestro
    • To be announced
  • 1.00 - 2.00 PM: LUNCH
  • 2.10 - 4.00 PM: B2B AND PROPLAST VISIT

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